Radiant Shoots Video of Global Conference in Edinburgh Scotland

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Steven Donaldson, with a RadiantBrands video team, produced and directed a comprehensive video shoot of a three-day global economics conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. The New Enlightenment Conference, held on July 1-3, focused on the challenges we face with global trade, capitalism, wealth distribution and issues concerning corporate governance in today’s complex interconnected world. The conference referenced Adam Smith and his foundational works in economics – the Theory of Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations – as guides to examining these current challenges and developing new strategies for a more equitable global economy.


The major sessions of the conference were filmed at the Balmoral Hotel with a portion of the conference being shot in the historic Panmure House,  the last residence of Adam Smith, now a restored conference center run by the Edinburgh Business School part of the Heriot-Watt University of Edinburgh.

Having this conference in Edinburgh brought the focus back to the founding principles of economics, the Scottish Enlightenment and the transformation that brought about our modern global world. Themes focused on the observations and ideas of Smith. Are they still relevant in our modern era?

Is Adam Smith still relevant in today’s complex world?

Our challenge was to shoot multiple sessions in two locations along with interviews at the same time. Having a well-organized video team made all the difference. We actually began work on arrival from the U.S that morning scoping out key locations for set up. Working closely with event organizers, speakers, and local onsite facilities management made everything go smoothly throughout the event.

Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, CEO, Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism 

Our goal was to capture the essence of the discussions and commentary from experts and thought leaders on video. By capturing this we intended to build recognition of the issues that policymakers are facing in our global system.

The Panmure House last home of Adam Smith

A wide range of economists, corporate executives, and thought leaders posed important questions on how we can deal with the issues of equity, job growth, and global trade. These challenges in relation to the original work of Adam Smith were the key focus of many sessions of the conference.

Former Prime Minister of the UK Gordon Brown and former UK Minister of Science and Innovation, Lord David Sansbury

In addition to coordinating and producing a video for the conference sessions, Donaldson did individual interviews with over 23 speakers, from the former Prime Minister of the UK, Gordon Brown and historian Niall Ferguson of the Hoover Institute at Stanford to Orville Schell, director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society.

The conversations with these thought leaders ranged widely, from the impact of globalism on small communities, China and world trade, to capitalism and the common good and the need for changes in corporate governance.

Orville Schell, Director of the Center on U.S.-China Relations at the Asia Society

From hours of raw footage, RadiantBrands will edit and produce finished session videos, interview videos and several short documentary pieces on key issues.

The intent of the videos from this conference is to support the efforts of the conference organizers to spark a transformative conversation on global economics, corporate governance, and world trade and to influence decision-makers and policymakers around the world.
