Coronavirus —  What can brands do in a time of uncertainty?

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The challenge of fear and unpredictable futures

The most powerful thing for brands is a sense of certainty. When we know things we make plans and invest in the future, we anticipate outcomes, we forecast what will happen, we expand our buying decisions. As markets are growing, demand grows.  When things look good we take more risks, we seek opportunities. This all changes when we experience uncertainty, loss of control and a greater perception of risk. Choices all focused on the short term. Survival kicks in for consumers and brands alike.

So what do brands do?

With uncertainty, events are canceled, big buying decisions are put off and brands that were once essential to what we enjoy and do are now sidelined or disregarded. The new priorities become basic. This almost instant transformation happens because of consumer perceptions that drive behavior– instantly we have a new reality. From a massive stock market sell-off to shelves being emptied of toilet paper. The lack of clarity on what this virus is, how to cope with it and the risk to individuals is, unfortunately, fueling more risk aversion and survival thinking.  Now with a virtual shutdown of day-to-day activities, air travel down nearly 50%, and retailers totally struggling to survive what can consumer-facing brands do?

The key is building on the core values of the brand and the customer relationship in the market by the actions companies take

The most powerful things brands can do is align themselves with the consumer and support the perception of concern, safety, and community through their brand. Whatever the industry, messaging and taking actions that focus on consumers and their concerns are extremely important. For small businesses, this is an extreme challenge but for larger brands it’s essential.

We all remember those who help us and give us certainty

JetBlue – how brands can provide leadership and confidence

It’s essential that they talk to customers through their marketing in a way that builds trust and a sense of leadership in the market. The CEO of Jet Blue did a great short video directed at consumers but it was more than what she was doing, it was about the people at Jet Blue, their commitment to the customer, their employees, safety and that we’ll all get through this difficult period– together.

For every company, from Disney to JetBlue to Uber, brands need to acknowledge what’s going on and lean into this in a positive way with what they are doing to support consumers and give them a sense of safety and predictability.

One of the biggest priorities would be for the government to clarify the issues and steps that are being taken and constantly be in front of consumer and business concerns

Clearly building a sense of predictability, trust and connection is the key for brands including the government. From Target to major airlines, to the local burrito shop, getting out the message that “we’re thinking of you and here’s what we’re doing” is essential to reduce the perceptions of risk. Large and small as well as local brands can do this in some way. Those brands that do will come out with consumers feeling a renewed sense of trust and commitment toward them.
