Place Branding
The New Workplace – Hybrid Everything
Where will people work and live? The big question post-pandemic, if there is really a post-pandemic, is where people will work and live? Ongoing discussions on workers returning to the office continue while occupancy rates for office space in downtown Manhattan, the Chicago Loop, and Downtown SF remain well below pre-pandemic levels. Where’s this all…
Read MoreOne Brand, One Experience
The 7 essentials of shaping a brand across all the customer touchpoints. How do you shape a campaign and really focus on the right audience for your brand? In developing a brand strategy and building this into real things that customers and partners see, it’s essential to unify what your brand says and looks likes,…
Read MoreThrowing Marshmallows in a Dark Closet
Why Much of Marketing is Noise. Understanding who your customers are, what their motivations are, and connecting with them is absolutely essential in the sales journey. Whether B2C or B2B engagements the same methodology applies. When customers are offered what they need when they need it, it’s a perfect match. However, for the most part…
Read MoreThe Customer Journey, Building Connections That Stick
Building Brand Value is About Creating Relevance Over Time. At Radiant we focus on what is at the core or essence of a brand, a company, an organization. Diving into this essence and doing a competitive analysis is essential since your audience or customers are hearing a cacophony of voices, offers, and representations of value. How…
Read MoreListening.
Getting Away from the Noise. Marketing has a bad reputation. It should. Most marketers look for tools to reach more and more customers and grow their audience but do they really know who they need to reach and why anyone would be interested in what they are offering or broadcasting? New technologies allow us all…
Read MoreA Year Ending in Flux. What are the 2022 Marketing Trends?
The Global Disruption of Everything Two years ago the world was predictable, measured, consistent in all ways…often annoyingly so. As we all know, this suddenly and shockingly ended. The pandemic has brought with it the largest shift in global systems in recent memory. This disruption only emphasized the always-on connected and predictable way business, markets,…
Read MoreNobody cares about your marketing.
Saturated: Search Results and Online Tactics Won’t Cut It. Many brands and companies believe that an online campaign to reach their desired audience by spending more on search, digital ads, and online marketing tactics will get them more customers. Not really. Consumers and customers of all kinds are lost in a world of information sorted…
Read MoreConnections
Building Brand Value is Really About What Sticks. How do you stay connected? How do you really break through the noise? The associations we have and how we make them come to us emotionally and personally through binding experiences that connect us. In this overwhelming world of social media from all corners of the universe,…
Read MoreTraction
The value of engagement is in staying connected. No, traction is not the treads on your tires or the treads on the bottom of your hiking boots. In the start-up, world traction means the success you’ve seen so far or the proof you have that demonstrates to customers the value and unique solution you have that solves…
Read MoreRadiant Insights: Millennial Housing, Experience-Retail and B2B Marketing
Marketing Apartments to Millennials — Social Media, Fitness Centers and A Dog Wash. Lifestyle and Housing for Millennials is Online, Social and Connected As one of the largest living generations in America, millennials have come of age and officially proven themselves a force to be dealt with just about everything. Born sometime in the early…
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