All Projects : The New Californian
The New Californian website and branding by Radiant

Develop a cohesive brand identity and marketing strategy that highlights the unique blend of classic and modern elements in The New Californian to attract potential residents 


Real Estate


Research, naming, branding, design, website, and marketing

Unique Multifamily Housing in Downtown Berkeley

This 180-unit building, close to the University of California campus, actually appears as two buildings with its unusual design. Designed to appear as though it is from the 1920s rather than the twenty-first-century, the building features geographic references to California, including the California Poppy as part of the cornice and sculpted faces on the facade. In contrast, the interiors are modern apartments with all the amenities anyone would want today. Radiant took advantage of this in the marketing and advertising approach, building it into a campaign using the theme - Modern Living, Classic Style.