More than Digital: Connecting with People

It’s Time to Transform Marketing into People Connecting. How and when you connect with existing and potential customers is not about just sending constant emails out. Why inundate people with your content? It’s common for brands, as it is for people, to want to talk about themselves. We’ve all had interesting and fascinating people in…

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One Brand, One Experience

The 7 essentials of shaping a brand across all the customer touchpoints. How do you shape a campaign and really focus on the right audience for your brand? In developing a brand strategy and building this into real things that customers and partners see, it’s essential to unify what your brand says and looks likes,…

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Strategic Ambiguity

Sometimes An Intentional Lack of Clarity Is Exactly What a Brand Needs. From Coca-Cola to Dunkin Donuts to the global consulting firm Prophet, many companies from consumer-level to B2B are becoming, well, less specific about what they actually sell or do. Coca-Cola Company has far more of its sales in the myriad of beverage brands…

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Finding the Perfect One

You offer great value, but how do you find that perfect customer? It often seems that the perfect client, the perfect person is elusive, and not easy to find. Yet you know that what you do—how you are, how you deliver on your promises—will be exactly what that one potential customer, that one person also…

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Marketing and Brand Strategy are the New Business Strategy

Living in A World of Constant Change. For every company, every brand, and every business from startups to Fortune 500s, the marketing plan is often seen as driven by the business strategy. This idea is a traditional view from business management practices of the last century. Actually, they’re one strategy in this constant world of…

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Disruption – Knowledge, Flexibility, and Revolutionaries 

The Unexpected Challenge. The ability to shift, change and adapt is an essential part of what organizations need to do to survive and manage change in today’s world. Understanding this must be part of marketing and business operations. If your customers are not paying attention or they’ve totally changed, you need to know this.  Disruption…

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Skipping Stones on the Water

Extending the effect of your marketing with social media amplification. When you sit by a lake on a lazy afternoon looking at the still water, you find the smoothest round and relatively flat stone about the size of a fifty-cent piece and, with a powerful spin, toss it and watch it bounce across the lake…

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First Impressions and Why They Matter

Grow Your Customer Base On A Foundation Of First Impressions. In the overwhelming volume of digital content thrown at us in 2022, attracting and securing consumers’ attention is a bit like finding a safe path in the middle of a thunderstorm — connecting with a critical message that matters to strangers despite the noise and…

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People, Personas and Motivations– Behavioral Marketing Works.

Blasting Ads At Everyone is Like Talking to No One. Historically, marketers have had a very difficult time identifying groups or subgroups that best benefit from a product. Obviously, that never stops anyone from selling. With minimal data to work with, companies bombarded consumers with unrelated ads, emails, phone calls, and other outreach that is…

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